Things to do Before Wearing Lace Front Wig

Things to do Before Wearing Lace Front Wig

Have you ever tried a 13x6 lace frontal wig? How was the look? Did you experience some problems when trying to fix it? As much as beauty is concerned, wigs play a big role in the look of a person, especially the front look. It doesn’t matter the color you prefer, the style you love, and the type of hair. Whenever putting on your wig, there are things you must do to ensure your overall look is incredible. If you are a learner in using wigs or even an advanced user, you might need to earn the following elements concerning the wearing of wigs.

What to do before putting on a lace front wig

While wigs improve the look of a person, wig wearers always fear people noticing the fact that they have a wig. Also, some fear the idea of people noticing some mistakes while the wig is on the head. So, before you put on a wig, you need to ensure it blends with your skin tone, fits perfectly in your head, and makes you feel secure whenever walking outside. So, before putting on your wig, ensure you do the following for an incredible look.

Do a skin test

People have different skin types, and some skins are extra sensitive. Before you use a wig, try a small amount of adhesive to some sensitive parts of your body, for instance, behind the ear or inside your elbow. Allow sometime before removing it to determine any reaction. Should there be a reaction, try another brand, but if it is all okay, you can go ahead and use your wig? The goal is to look amazing in your wig while maintaining clear and good skin.

Ensure your hair is flat in your head

Hair preparation is an essential step you should consider before putting on the wig. In the case where you have on hair, or you have little hair, you might need to use a wig liner. For long hair, you can make cornrows to keep the hair as flat as possible. The reason for flattening your hair is to ensure there are no lumps or bumps in your head after applying your wig.

Make the skin ready for the wig

Your hairline and the forehead are the parts that will require preparation before using your wig. So, ensure you wash the forehead, making sure you don’t destroy the hairline. To remove excess oil, wipe the hairline with a damp cloth. Should you have sensitive skin, you will need to use a scalp-protecting cream first, then allow the place to dry before putting on the wig.

Fix the wig

Now, at this point, everything is fine; fit in your wig, tilting the had for effective fitting. Ensure the wig is well-fixed and won’t slide from the head at any instance.

Secure the wig with glue or wig tape

Since you can use either wig tape or glue, you might need to try both before you decide on the best one.


When putting on a wig, ensure you follow the right steps to have your wig stand out in your head.